Saturday, March 3, 2012


Okay. So, my story starts when I was 12.
It was a year after the economical crash occurred and I was just starting middle school. I knew NO ONE at the school, and we had just moved into a new house a month before. I wore glasses, and my teeth were really messed up. People repelled from me. I didn't mind since it was the first day of school. "I'll make friends." I thought. I did. But I soon grew distant and was alone again.

Then I started getting news that we were gonna lose our house. There was so much stress at home, and at school trying to fit in.
Pretty soon we were given notice that we were gonna be forced out of my house in about a month, which made my parents file bankruptcy. We barely got by. But gladly my mom got a new job with better pay, which meant we could keep the house.
But then kids at school started getting REALLY nasty.
I was a loner.
With no one to talk to.
But then one day, I got so pissed I actually thought about running away.
No one cared
No one needed me.
But then I sat down and tried to calm myself down. Coincidentally my parents weren't home so I went on YouTube. I had never been on there before and was curious what was on there. Then I saw a Smosh video on the Homepage. I watched it and for once, felt happy. They lifted my spirits up.

Pretty soon Smosh is what kept me going.
And for some reason, I felt less shy. Like I could be myself. Smosh made me who I am today.
Without Smosh I wouldn't feel unwanted, and shy.
Somehow that helped my mood, making me seem more willing to make friends at school.
Pretty soon I did.
And now I'm a happy 14 year old with friends who care about me in school AND on Twitter.
My Twitter friends are the best, they relate to me and make me laugh and I'm thankful for that <3

Thank you Smosh.
You mean so much to me.

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