Tuesday, March 6, 2012


I'm nearly a teenager. I don't cut and overall I'm a pretty happy person. I'm ignored at school; Most of the girls that hang around in their little group, don't even know my name. I'm not usually myself around people I'm not close with, so I kinda creep them out xD. But then I found Smosh. This has been said a million times before but, they changed my life! Literally. Ian and Anthony are probably people I can really relate to. I swear we act the same and we have the same humor(: I watched more and more of their videos and began to really feel like I was getting to know them. I started to learn more about them!

 I made a Twitter account not long after that. It was the account I used to talk to other people who loved smosh as much as I did. I've made SO many amazing friends because of Ian and Anthony. Many of which know me better than the friends I have at school, who are all caught up in Justin Bieber and One Direction-_- Time has passed and I've honestly become more confident. I wear my smosh shirt in public, I joined a Drama group at my theatre! I've always been a quirky person, and now I'm not afraid to act that way around people. I couldn't care less about popularity anymore. Smosh has inspired me so much! I know that if I ever feel depressed in the future, there will always be a smoshy family there for me^-^ I feel as though I'm a part of something now; and I am SO thankful! I'm determined to meet Ian and Anthony. I'm saving up for Vidcon, ESPECIALLY so I can meet them. I may only see them for like half a minute but it would be the best half minute of my life; meeting my heros. Also, I scare people by singing each of their songs at the top of my lungs, because I'm that hardcore.

 If you're reading this, thank you for everything(: <3<3<3<3<3

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