Monday, March 5, 2012


When I found Smosh it changed my life. At the time i found them I had just lost my best friend,
My cousin, and my aunt was dying of cancer.To top it all off i was verry ill. My best friend had
to move all the way accross the country because of her mother's death.a few weeks later we recieved
a call that my cousin who i had become verry close with had committed suicide.I began having BIG
problems with anxiety and depression.I began cutting myself...I tried to hide it but my mom still
managed to find out. I wasnt in school due to my illness and sitting in my room all day wasn't
helping my anxiety or depression. My parents decided I needed to go to a councelor...however
I didn't talk to her verry much. One night I was sitting in my room just browsing youtube and randomly clicked
on a smosh vid. This was the first time I had smiled in weeks. My councelor and I were discussing ways that
I could calm myself down so I wouldin't go back to my old self. I immediately thought of Smosh and began
explaining to her who they were and what they did. She told me that it was a good idea.

 Eventually my aunt did pass...and when nobody else was there for me I knew i could count on smosh to cheer me up.
Verry recently my grandmother passed away...we had always been verry close and i loved her.
I thought that nothing could help me...but then I thought back to how I used to be and remembered my
chat with my counselor.I pulled out my laptop and clicked on a smosh video.While everyone else was grieving
I knew that my grandmother would be proud of me for staying strong and trying my hardest to move on
by using something i love.

  Thank you Ian and Anthony<3 You saved me and I will forever be greatfull to you guys:)

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