Sunday, March 4, 2012


So like everyone else, smosh has changed/ saved my life so significantly. Maybe not like a lot of peoples but in a special way. 

When I found smosh nothing was really wrong with me. I wasn't depressed or cutting. I was actually in a good state. 
They actually made me forget about most of the world and so that helped majorly. I'd watch their videos everyday and I looked forward to the weeks. 
During winter break, I started getting depressed for no reason. There were nights that I would just start crying so much and things would set me off. I'd vent on twitter cause I don't have anyone in real life to talk to. So many people helped me become happier and I'd forget why I was sad. 
On Christmas eve, something happened that I'm not getting into major detail due to the fact you're probably already bored.. But after it happened I laid on the floor for two hours straight crying. My family saw me like this and tried to talk to me but I wouldn't speak. They told me to watch some smosh cause they know I love them SOOO much! I did and I instantly got better. But going more into my break and after, my depression worsened. It came to the point of me cutting myself several times and I was two years clean. 
It would have been more if it wasnt for the people on twitter, they cared. 
So yeah smosh saved me, they brought me the best people I could ask for. And for that I could never thank them enough. 

Thanks smosh<3

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